A database that tracks dubious medical claims.
Claim number: 14
Claimant: SA Natural Products Pty (Ltd)
Claim date: May 1, 2010
Brand name: Multiforce Alkaline Powder
Forum in which the claim was made: Advert in the Sunday Times
Claim methodology: Powder
Frequency with which the claim is made by this claimant: Unknown
Actual claim: Reduces Acidity
Plausibility of this claim: Untested
- Response no 25: ASASA Ruling on 2010-09-29
- Response no 24: Sydney Kaye Complaint to ASASA on 2010-06-01
The complainant submitted that although it is a fact that alkaline will reduce acidity, there is no proof that "Multiforce Alkaline Powder" can reduce acidity in the human body. The complainant further submitted that the advertisement lists illnesses that may occur through increased “acidity”. These conditions include cancer, implying that the use of Multiforce will reduce acidity and therefore protect the consumer from the listed conditions.
ASASA ruled that the efficacy of the product was not sufficiently substantiated.
See ASASA Ruling at: http://www.asasa.org.za/ResultDetail.aspx?Ruling=5307