
A database that tracks dubious medical claims.

Claim number: 2

Claimant: Solal Technologies

Claim date: Oct. 1, 2009

Brand name: Solal Health Shake

Forum in which the claim was made: Advert in Beeld Newspaper

Claim methodology: Supplements

Frequency with which the claim is made by this claimant: Frequent

Actual claim: Improves Nutrition

Plausibility of this claim: Untested and implausible


Solal placed a health shake advertisement in Beeld.


Documents relevant to this claim


In October 2009, Harris Steinman lodged a complaint against a Solal Health Shake advertisement with ASASA. ASASA responded on 2 December 2009 with feedback from Solal stating that the advert was placed in error and will not reappear. ASASA therefore did not investigate further. Nevertheless, the Solal website still contains numerous claims which amount to their supplements improving nutrition.