
A database that tracks dubious medical claims.

Claim number: 25

Claimant: Solal Technologies

Claim date: May 1, 2010

Forum in which the claim was made: Advert in Fairlady Magazine

Claim methodology: Vitamins

Frequency with which the claim is made by this claimant: Unknown

Actual claim: Delays macular degeneration

Plausibility of this claim: Untested and implausible


Solal claims in an advert in Fair Lady that their product delays macular degeneration. Their advert was also misleading about the causes of this condition.


Documents relevant to this claim


Dr Laithwaithe lodged a complaint against a print advertisement that appeared in the May edition of Fair Lady magazine. The advertisement is headed “Interesting facts about your health” and states, inter alia, “FACT 1: The eye damage that causes vision loss in old age, actually starts in early adulthood, or even younger”. The complainant argued that age related macular degeneration does not affect black people and a large number of people will be lead to believe that they are at risk. In addition, the primary causal factor for this condition is genetic. The ASA upheld the complaint.