2 articles

The 1957 Witchcraft Act

Examination of a Witch

In Mary-Jane Matsolo's article on the Khayelitsha Witch Burning case, we asked for readers to provide information on the 1957 Witchcraft Act. Here is feedback from two readers who have investigated the history of this act.

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The Khayelitsha Witch-Burning Case

Macbeth and the witches

Mary-Jane Matsolo of the Treatment Action Campaign tells the story of a fatal arson attack on a woman suspected of being a witch. We publish this story because it shows both how mystical beliefs can have awful consequences, but also how these beliefs do not go unchallenged in South Africa's townships.

Racists should find no solace in this story: tens of thousands of people, mostly women, were executed --by the state and not private citizens as in this case-- for being witches in Europe from the 15th to 17th centuries.

Ultimately, this is ...